The newest Patriot Wood flag is a wooden version of the Christian flag. Designed in the early twentieth century, the Christian flag represents all of Christianity—it’s a flag heavy with symbolism and rich in tradition, and a great example of flags carrying stories. Let’s look at some of the things that make the Christian flag special.

The idea of a flag for Christianity originated in 1897 in Brooklyn, New York when a Sunday-school teacher, Charles Overton, asked his students what a flag representing Christianity would look like.
The same Sunday-school teacher thought about this question for ten more years before finally designing and promoting what we know as the Christian flag in 1907.
The Christian flag incorporates three colors: white, blue, and red. Each of these colors symbolize a core tenet of the Christian faith.
The white field represents Jesus’ purity. White also traditionally indicates surrender, another important part of the Christian faith—in this case, surrender to God and nonviolence.
The blue stands for baptism’s waters and Jesus’ faithfulness.
Finally, the red in the Christian flag represents the blood shed by Jesus on Calvary.
Combined with the cross found in the upper left corner, these colors tell much of Christianity’s story.
Patriot Wood’s Christian Wood Flag remains true to many aspects of the flag’s original design, but also incorporates an additional detail: the cross has been elevated for emphasis and perspective. Hand-picked cedar, long-lasting paints, and quality construction will ensure that you enjoy your Christian Wood Flag for many years.

Head to to learn more about the Christian Wood Flag, and order yours today!